
"How We Fell Into The Terrorist Trap And Have Not Found Our Way Out", Modern War Institute at West Point, October 2021
“Prevention of Human Rights Violations and Violations of International Humanitarian Law while Fighting Terrorism”, in Alex Schmid (ed.), CTC/ICCT Handbook of Terrorism Prevention, August 2020
“Acting Ethically in the Shadows: Intelligence Gathering and Human Rights” (with Richard Barrett), in Manfred Nowak and Anne Charbord (eds.), Using Human Rights to Counter Terrorism, Edward Elgar Publishing, March 2018
“The Four Horsemen of Terrorism: It’s Not Waves, It’s Strains” (with Dr. Nick Sitter), Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 28, No.2, 2016
“Pollyannas Need Not Apply: International Justice is, to a Certain Extent, Political Justice”, in Richard Steinberg (ed.), Contemporary Issues Facing the International Criminal Court, Brill Nijhoff, 2016
“Rule of Law and Human Rights”, in Leanne McKay, Toward a Rule of Law Culture, United States Institute of Peace, 2015
“It’s a Trap: Provoking an Overreaction is Terrorism 101”, Royal United Services Institute Journal, Vol. 160, No.3, June/July 2015
“Fighting Fire with Water: NGO and Counter-Terrorism Policy Tools” (with Dr. Nick Sitter), Global Policy, Vol. 5, No. 2, May 2014
“The Ultimate Intervention: Revitalizing the UN Trusteeship Council for the 21st Century”, in Michael P. Scharf and Paul R. Williams (eds.), The Law of International Organizations: Problems and Materials (3rd Edition), Carolina Academic Press, 2013.
“Why Right is Might: How the Social Science on Radicalization Suggests that International Human Rights Norms actually help frame Effective Counterterrorism Policies”, Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. 6, No. 3, August 2012.
“Redressing the Balance: How Human Rights Defenders Can Use Victim Narratives to Confront the Violence of Armed Groups”, Human Rights Quarterly, Vol. 33, No. 4, November 2011.
“Once more unto the Breach: Britain’s Forty Years on the Frontline of the War on Terror”, in Gary Schmitt (ed.), Safety, Liberty and Islamist Terrorism: European and American Approaches to Domestic Counterterrorism, American Enterprise Institute Press, 2010.
“The View from Outside Government (United Kingdom)”, in Cynthia Arnson and Philippa Strum (eds.), Legal Standards and the Interrogation of Prisoners in the War on Terror, Woodrow Wilson Center for International Scholars, December 2007
“Fighting an Antaean Enemy: How Democratic States Unintentionally Sustain the Terrorist movements they Oppose”, Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence, Vol. 19, No.2, Spring 2007.
“The Fateful Triangle: Identity Politics, Security Policy and Anglo-Irish Relations”, in R. Orttung and A. Makarychev (eds.), National Counter-Terrorism Strategies: Legal, Institutional, and Public Policy Dimensions in the US, UK, France, Turkey and Russia, IOS Press, 2006.
“Prosecuting Saddam: The Coalition Provisional Authority and the Evolution of the Iraq Special Tribunal”, Cornell International Law Journal, Vol. 38, No. 3, Fall 2005.
“Counterterrorism Policies in the United Kingdom”in Philip Heymann and Juliette Kayyem (eds.), Protecting Liberty in an Age of Terror, BCSIA Studies in International Security, 2005.
“The Proportionality Principle in the War on Terror”, The Hague Yearbook of International Law, May 2002.
"Tom is one of those remarkable individuals possessing in-depth knowledge combined with actual counter-terrorism field experience in the many countries he's worked in - so when he talks this expertise is apparent and it's the reason why many people seriously listen to what he has to say" - Zubeda Limbada, Connect Futures